Yesterday was another beautiful day here in Lima. We have now had three days of summer and everyday I keep thinking it is going to get cool again. Then I remember we have three more months of summer! In the afternoon I was getting antsy and had a hard time concentrating in the apartment, so I grabbed some homework and stopped to pick up some Chinese-takeout. My goal was to find a quiet place in the park and sit and memorizing verbs and vocabulary. My plan didn't work. Despite the fact there are many gringos and gringas in this area, no matter where I sat down, people came up and started chatting. I did get to practise my Spanish, which was great, but my memorization plan failed... Finally I moved on, left the park and found a hidden coffee shop, spotted a table in the back, grabbed a juice and sat down. Two minutes later I got company. A very chatty young guy who had gone to American school and he made himself at home at my table. I put my books away and gave up on my verbs... Next time I will try the library and see if I have better luck.
Pizza party |
K dressed for last weeks prom |
Tonight we had a huge pizza/graduation party for K who graduated from high school about a week ago. It was fun to have a full house. His family came from Huacho and I got to talk a bit more with his siblings whom I will be living with. It was fun to see them again, and I can't wait to move next week.
This morning my current roommate and friend A was in the cleaning mode, and we ended up rearranging the whole bedroom, cleaning and moving furniture. It was fun and we found a bunch of dust bunnies when we moved the heavy stuff... Cleaning house feels good, especially when a new year is approaching. It's a good time to take inventory of my life and think about, not new years resolutions, but what I want to see happen next year, set goals and plan how to make them happen. I'm sure I will clean out some of my very own dust bunnies...
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