Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Found it!

After a few intense days of walking/driving around, I found an apartment! It was even better than I was hoping for. It is in the exact area I wanted to live in, the price is almost exactly what I budgeted for housing expenses, it even has an on-demand water heater and they don’t shut off the water during the day even in the summer months! I am so blessed!
The owners seem super sweet and there are only 4 other apartments in the house. At the bottom there is a locked door with intercom buttons, so I feel very safe here. There is a cleaning lady that comes to clean the stairs once/week, so it’s clean and smells fresh and the stairs have adorable tile work. One of the favorite features turns out to be the top “deck” right above my apartment, where my private laundry room is located. By laundry room I mean a room with a sink, not a room with a washer and dryer! Turns out the room will be perfect for storing my cleaning supplies and suitcases so I don’t need to clutter up my apartment with stuff like that. What a sweet perk!
But, as I was saying, the roof area is open, with short walls around and an amazing view of the whole area, (all the way to H uara I believe), but it will be a perfect spot to check out the amazing sunsets. Thank you God!
He has also brought such amazing people into my life to help me during this sometimes awkward transition. I can get by with basic Spanish, but making phone calls and signing contracts are out of my comfort zone. Tonight I got help former my former neighbor, an 18 year old who speaks both English and Spanish very well, who took the time out of his evening in between shifts at work to come with me to sign my contract. I had a lot of questions. For example: When and how do I pay rent?, Where and how do I pay water and electric? How does the intercom and hot water switch work? Questions about my deposit etc… I am so thankful I had Jonathan with me to help us communicate! When he left the apartment he told me he was impressed how nice it was and that he didn’t think apartments like that existed here in this town! I feel super blessed it will be my home for awhile. Another person God has blessed me with is Senor Tito, one of my neighbors. A few days ago, I was walking around asking God for a home and turned down a street where I saw a sign. I went up to the window that was open, and asked if they rented out a room or an apartment. Tito was in the middle of lunch with his wife, but he came out to talk to me and tried to show me a place that had apartments for rent. One was no longer available but I got the number for the other landlord. Yesterday I was standing outside on the Big Town Square, waiting on another landlord who was a no-show. Just as I was about to give up, Senor Tito yelled my name and came over and gave me a big hug and kiss on the cheek. I explained that had problems with the landlords not showing up and that I didn’t have a phone on me. He whipped out his phone and called the landlord on his street, and 10 min later I found my new apartment! Thank you Lord for Senor Tito! He told me I can ask him for help anytime. Nice to have a neighbor like that.
I didn’t go to the orphanage today, but yesterday I hung out with the girls for awhile and then went over to play some soccer with the boys. I also got to snuggle with one of the little ones when he was crying after being picked on by one of the older boys. I wish they could all have a mommy to comfort them and love them…
This will be my last night at the hotel, so I am planning to watch as much US TV as I can possibly stand tonight! Don’t know when I’ll get another chance.

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