Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Packing & Goodbyes

Tomorrow is my last day in Alaska, atleast for awhile. Leaving the beautiful State which has been my home for the past eleven years is bittersweet. I will be saying goodbye to my wonderful friends, roommates, dog, church, career and a snowy Christmas, among other things... for an adventure, new friends, new language, warm weather and a lot of unknowns... I have so many amazing memories to take with me as I leave and begin a totally different chapter in a new country. I first visited Peru in 2010, and back then I left a piece of my heart in an orphanage in the city of Huacho. I've been back to Peru twice since then, but only for a few weeks at a time. I can hardly believe all that has happened these past two years to make this move possible, but I'm filled with joy and thankfulness. I'm ready for whatever is ahead!