Saturday, March 15, 2014


I made a new friend today. My friend's introduced me to a woman living at the hospital. Her son lives at the orphanage and her daughter lives with the dad's mother. She has now been there for about 18 months and she is in need of constant oxygen. Her lungs are failing and her body is slowly shutting down. Can you imagine starting at the same boring walls for 18 months?? She is an amazing person, so full of spunk, despite her situation. I promised her I would start visiting her every week and she asked me to teach her English. She didn't care my Spanish is kind of crappy, but was beaming that I would be coming regularly to visit her. I am so excited to get to know her and hear her story.

Today the girls got taught about rejection and several of the older ones were crying. So many of them have suffered sexual and emotional abuse and haven't dealt with the aftermath yet... I pray this is the beginning of them finding healing and restoration.
Afterwards we took all the kids to the movies and dinner. We watched T arzan and there was a moment when we all thought the gorilla mom was dead. I believe that was really sad moment for my boy J. I think he missed his mother who died last December. He laid his head on my shoulder just then. I wish I had the power to remove all their pain so they can just be little kids...

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